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Contributions of National Key Forestry Ecology Projects to the forest vegetation carbon storage in China

作者:Yu Zhang, Ji Yuan, Chengming You, Rui Cao, Bo Tan, Han Li, Wanqin Yang⁎时间:2020-05-19点击数:

Abstract: Planted forests in China have continuously stored large amounts of vegetation carbon since the implementation of the National Key Forestry Ecology Projects (NKFEPs). However, the time variation of the contribution of NKFEP-covered planted forests to the national forest vegetation carbon storage has not been systematically documented. Moreover, predicting the future vegetation carbon storage of NKFEP-covered planted forests is of greatsignificance forglobal climatechange. Thus,wecollected vegetation carbondensitydataonChina’sforests from 251 published articles to clarify the contributions and vegetation carbon sequestration potential of NKFEPcovered planted forests. The results showed that the vegetation carbon density of NKFEP-covered planted forests ranged from 23.49 to 68.88 Mg ha−1, that slight differences existed among the NKFEP-covered planted forests during 2009–2018, and that slight changes occurred from 1989 to 2018. The total contribution rate of NKFEPcovered planted forests to China’s forest vegetation carbon storage was 36.29% during 2009–2018, and the contribution rates of most NKFEPs during 2009–2018 were higher than those during 1999–2008. The total vegetation carbon sequestration potential ranged from 4.22 to 8.67 Pg under four scenarios, in which NKFEPcoveredplantedforestscontributed40%,60%,80%and100%ofthevegetationcarbonstorageofnaturalforests in the corresponding NKFEP regions, respectively. These results indicate that NKFEP-covered planted forests significantly contribute to the vegetation carbon storage of China’s forests, and that NKFEP-covered planted forests have large vegetation carbon sequestration potential, which is beneficial for future national and global forest carbon fixation.

Keywords: Planted forest National Key Forestry Ecology Project Carbon density Contribution rate Carbon sequestration

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四川农业大学   长江上游林业生态工程四川省重点实验室版权所有


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