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Effects of single plant functional type loss on microbial community composition and litter decomposition in an alpine timberline ecotone

作者:Yamei Chen​, Jian Zhang * , Yang Liu**, Lifeng Wang, Haifeng Zheng时间:2021-04-25点击数:

Abstract: Biodiversity loss likely occurs in alpine ecosystems under climate warming. However, little is known about the  effect of plant functional type loss on the litter decomposition rate and microbial community composition. To test  whether single functional type loss has a significant impact on the litter decomposition and microbial community  composition, we conducted a litterbag experiment by randomly removing a single functional type from the litter  mixtures of six functional types (evergreen conifer, evergreen shrubs, deciduous shrub, graminoid, forb and  fern). Moreover, incubation sites were established in two vegetation types with contrasting microclimatic conditions in an alpine timberline ecotone. Based on a two-year decomposition experiment, we found that random  loss of the single plant functional type did not significantly affect the mass loss rates and microbial community  biomass and structure in the two vegetation types. Moreover, most losses of single plant functional type affected  the investigated mass loss rates and microbial parameters in an additive way. In contrast, there were significant  effects of vegetation type on the microbial community composition, irrespective of plant functional type loss  treatments. We conclude that mass loss rates and microbial parameters in litter mixtures are largely predictable  from those in individual plant functional type in the alpine timberline ecotone. Our findings suggest that, under  climate change scenarios, losses of single plant functional type possibly induced by upward shifts of alpine plants  would alter the microbial community composition in litters only under the condition of changes in microclimatic  factors (i.e., moisture and temperature), which would have a profound impact on alpine ecosystems.

Keywords:  Additive effects; Litter mixture decomposition; Plant functional type loss; Microbial community composition

四川农业大学   长江上游林业生态工程四川省重点实验室版权所有


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